EXCITING NEWS: We’re more than halfway to our goal and we’ve already recorded an ad for Diane Saxe’s podcast Green Economy Heroes. It’s currently being mixed by Stefan from Green Majority Radio — which you should listen to either online or on CIUT, but you can hear a SNEAK PEEK OF THE RAW RECORDING HERE:

SITE REDESIGN: You might also notice that we’ve redesigned our homepage to highlight BankSwitch and redesigned the BankSwitch landing page to make it easier to understand at first glance. Since we’re hoping to see a bunch of new first time visitors we thought a little sprucing up was in order.

MINOR HICCUP: Because they were all busting their butts for the global strike on March 19 (which was amazing!), our FFTO collaborators needed an extra week to finalize the scripts and decide on voice actors. Our ads are still in progress, but that gives us a bit more time for crowdfunding!

We’ve already raised enough to buy ads on some other podcasts and one week of radio ads — but we really want to reach our goal so we can buy multiple weeks. If there’s anything we’ve noticed about radio ads, it’s that you have to hear them several times before they really register in your brain. So please keep donating and sharing our link!

The ad for podcasts will be a single youth activist talking directly to listeners about switching their own accounts and asking listeners to do the same – like the sample you heard above – recorded by different activists for different podcasts or different episodes of the same podcasts (depending on how much we raise). For the radio, we’re planning a dialogue between an adult and multiple activists which we’re hoping to run on Classical FM if we raise enough. Here’s a draft version of the script:

ADULT: “It’s great to see young people taking a stand against climate change. Good thing it’s under control. ”

YOUTH 1: “Actually, it’s not! Canadians are among the biggest emitters in the world, so we all need to step up!”

ADULT: “Well what can I do?”

YOUTH 2: “Start with your banking. In the last 5 years alone, the big 5 Canadian banks have pumped over $600 billion into fossil fuels projects which often hit marginalized communities hardest.”

ADULT: “That’s awful. How can I help?”

YOUTH 3: “Sign up for BankSwitch! Call your bank & tell the branch manager you’re looking for a cleaner bank. Find out more at climatepledgecollective.org/bankswitch

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