We have prepared and trialed an in-home climate crisis presentation that explores the science of climate change, current policies, possible solutions and the psychology of our general apathy towards this existential crisis.  It takes over two hours, allowing for discussion among participants.  We recommend that you go through the slides and decide which ones will work best with your group and delete the rest, so you can offer a more streamlined presentation.

Google Slides available here.  Make a copy and edit them however you like.  If you find them useful, please make a small donation ($5?) so we can afford to spend all our time producing material like this.

Download a Spanish Language Powerpoint File Here: La Crisis Climática.pptx

(translation graciously provided by Reinaldo Martinez G. an Independent Environmental Impact Analyst)


Our presentation is based, in part, on this presentation from an artificial intelligence expert (and friend of Climate Pledge Collective) who works on complex system science that digs into the science much more deeply.

Description: This presentation puts many disparate pieces together. It reviews the most recent mainstream science, compares government and business promises vs their actions. It further reviews recent events, especially turning points. It then provides an account of our earth system trajectories over the next 10-40 years. Finally, it provides a concrete set of actions that we can take individually and as groups at a personal, societal, business and government levels.

A read-only google slides version which you can copy and edit to your own needs is available here.

A Powerpoint file is available here.