Along with other projects, we taught ourselves to do video editing and launched a youtube channel this year.  Here are our five favourite videos of 2019.

KITTEN EMERGENCY: Climate Crisis explained by Cats.

CLIMATE PICNIC RECAP: Our first climate picnic was a lovely, musical spring afternoon and friend of the collective Yana made a lovely video recap.

TORONTO SCHOOL STRIKE THEME SONG: At the School Strike in May we filmed this sweet, sad, infuriating, inspiring song by Neyo.

6 Weird Substances: Did you know people used to fight wars over bird shit?  Did you know we once had rag shortages?  What we consider valuable comes and goes depending on social and technological processes.

You Will Ignore this Warning:  This video seems to have struck a nerve and got a ton of shares on Facebook.  We think it’s because it speaks to something we’re all experiencing — it’s hard to remember that the climate crisis is so incredibly urgent, when so many aspects of our daily lives still feel normal.  Naming that strangeness is the first step to counter-acting it.

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